
The Prediction Generator is an ideation instrument created by delaO design studio to help designers, researchers, and future-thinkers generate, validate, and articulate any design brief research hypothesis, or future scenario.

The Prediction Generator as an academic tool:

Download the Academic Paper

Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2020), VIA Design, VIA University in Herning, Denmark. 10th -11th September 2020


What is that you desire? The first step on this toolkit is to rely on one’s own intuition to come up with an idea with potential. What idea, topic or problem do you want to build your prediction from?


The second step on this toolkit is to make a list of similar problems and analog examples of all the ideas on the "Desires" slot. If the list is short or insufficient, more benchmark research is needed.


In the third step, one must analyze all the similiarities, commonalities, and/or repetition of the similar cases and list as many as possible. If the final list is too short, more research analysis is needed.


On the step 4, one must reflect on the context limitations of one’s idea. Make a list of all the elements that cannot be changed and the situations that one can only adapt instead of create, being thoughtful about the things that one simply doesn’t know.


For step 5, questions must be asked. These questions are generated by identifying co-relations between the “patterns” and “limitations” slots, identifying any gaps among the similar cases or simply, what must be done to change a pattern.


The last step is, to finally to come up with a prediction. One must try to answer two or more of the questions posed during the previous stage with one solid logic affirmation and write it on the last slot.


The Prediction Generator and it's methodology has been used in the following institutions and initiatives:
